10 Prevention Better Than Cure
1. Maintain your weight in normal limits of body mass index (BMI) and reduce your abdominal
Excess weight makes it harder for the body to use insulin for controlling blood sugar, If you are overweight, shedding even a few lbs can improve the body’s ability to use insulin and prevent rise of blood sugar. BMI (calculated ratio of body weight/ height in meter square must be kept between19-23 kg/m2 and waist circumference less than 90 cm in men and 80 cm in women for metabolic fitness.
2. Maintain adequate stores of essential vitamins
Urban dwelling people (minimal exposure to sunshine) and those who are vegetarians may be deficient in Vitamin D and 812, respectively, and these may impair body metabolism. A decision to supplement these must be taken after consulting a physician and blood tests.
3. Act early on potential warning signs
Excessive fatigue and feeling of ill health may be one of the first sign of raised blood sugar, and testing at this time may lead to early action or even prevention of diabetes Increased thirst, frequent urination, increased appetite are symptoms of very high blood sugar.
4. Be Disciplined in sleep , meals and alcohol intake
Adequate sleep and timely meals will maintain good flow of healthy hormones; Excess alcohol would damage liver and pancreas, leading to inaction of insulin and then diabetes.
5. Quit smoking, it may hit sugar metabolism
Smoking over 20 cigarettes a day increase the risk of diabetes for more than three times as compared to that of non-smokers.
6. Maintain health check roster
It is important to check blood sugar after 30 years of age especially in those with family history of diabetes.
7. Maintain blood pressure:
(less than130/80) and cholesterol/ related lipids Cholesterol; Goal: LDL below 100 mg/dl; HDL above 40 mg/dl; and triglycerides below 150 mg/dl).
8. Attempt stress busters:
Stress is an underestimated contributor to metabolic disturbance and diabetes. Use meditation, relaxation, socializing and vacations.
9. Follow scientifically proven diets:
* High fibre foods (raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains cereals, include at least 5-6 servings of fruits 8 vegetables/day).
* Omega 3 fatty acids fish, fish oil (cod liver oil), flaxseeds, walnuts, soybean/ tofu, canola/ mustard oil]
* Monounsaturated fatty acids (walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, olive oil, canola/mustard oil) * to be consumed in limited amounts as per the recommendations of your nutritionist (not exceeding 3-4 tsp of total fat/oil/day)
* Use of cinnamon and fenugreek in the daily diet has shown to prevent diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels, Regular consumption of cinnamon could reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Cinnamon can be used in powdered form in the daily diet, not increasing 114 to 112 teaspoon; else it can cause irritation in mouth or stomach, Fenugreek seeds can be consumed in powder form or as whole seeds. It needs to be taken after consultation with doctor (not recommended during pregnancy),
Take less of/ avoid:
* Processed/refined foods with high glycaemic load (refined cereals, etc,)
* Foods/oils with high trans fatty acids ( e.g,, cakes/ pastry/ patty/ ready- to-eat foods (instant soups/ noodles)
10. Exercise daily for 46-60 minutes
Exercise is an effective tool for preventing T2 diabetes and potential diabetic complications. Aerobic exercise sensitizes muscle and hepatic cells to facilitate glucose uptake and increase insulin sensitivity. Additionally, helps with stress management, and the best anti-aging factor.