Rules You Should Be Following If You are in a Polyamorous Relationship:
It is a point that relationships rules are not easy, but if you make mutual rules for you both, both of you follow the rules simultaneously, especially when you are in a polyamorous relationship. These mutual rules will make your relationship life simple and less complicated.
Every couple does not want any strict complications and expectations in their love life and relationship. These mutual rules will make your love life much easier. These rules are like a guide for your love life from which both the partners will understand each other and respect each other’s responsibilities.
Well, there is a fact to be noted that more people you interfere within your love life the complications will reach a high level and you’ll suffer more because you are living with mutual feelings. The situation will get messier. An experienced therapist in New York said that “what about me, do not waste your love life by your selfishness”. On the other hand, polyamory helps you to find out one’s emotions and lets you explore relationship life. But after all this, your feelings can be trudged up.
So if you are in a three-way or more, relationship or if you want to make this kind of relationship follow the following rules to make your love life better and less complicated:
1. Share with each other:
It is ok to be like a jealous type but you are also sharing your relationship with others. You do not have to ask that what your girlfriend is going to eat at dinner and what was she talking about, what was your boyfriend doing at the bar, or who was that girl doing in your throuple, types of things. You can prefer that your partner is simply “going out”, while he is going on a date, or movie whatever else. But when this time comes to you, simply and comfortably discuss it with your partner about your throuple. And if you keep your relationship private, it is easier. It will make your moments more special and close.
2. Manage time for both of you:
Speak about your most special moments. If you are going through a polyamorous relationship and your one partner is the main, make sure to clear all the things you want to share with each other speak out your most special and intimate moments. Share all the things which are meaningful for you both. Okay, let’s consider that you and your most important one always visit the same restaurant on your anniversary. You will make him/her sure that this restaurant reservation is for only you two, and he/she will not take his/her partner. Otherwise, it will make you less important in front of others. Manage time for both of you, in which you can talk with your partner more comfortably, and also give them chance to speak.
3. Set boundaries:
If you and your boyfriend/fiancé are dating another one, make sure to set a boundary and give him time, thinking that he behaves the same as you and cares about you. Respect his decision and give him more time. Yes, you want to spend different nights and dates with him: set a schedule like keep a Thursday for your fiancé and Sundays for dinner and etc. It will make you sure that not call or blow up the phone to your fiancé when he/she is spending a night with his partner.
4. Respect and appreciate your partner’s partner:
All of the relationships include a balance, but in a polyamorous relationship there is no word like “balance”. But you can keep it balanced by respecting and appreciating your partner’s choices and his/her partner. But if you interfere in his choices then your relationship will become more complicated than before and it will drive your partner’s mind out. But if you care about your partner’s choices, he/she will obviously respect your choices. Giving space is sometimes very important for your relationships.
5. You have to keep the expectations genuine:
If you think, there are a lot of responsibilities, personalities, preferences, and temperaments are involved in your three or more way relationship, you might assume that your relationship will not become a happily ever after. It will not end like a simple relationship as compared to a polyamorous relationship. That is why you have to be ready always and might assume that if your partner has not found you more genuine than the other and breaks up with you. It is best to be always ready for this kind of situation.
6. Make your me-time special:
When your boyfriend is busy with his partner, you have to make me-time special. You can do different activities; finish a series on Netflix, read a book, clean up your closet which is waiting for you for the last 2 months, and spend more time with yourself. Do not waste your time wondering that what he is doing at this time.
7. Communicate openly with your partner:
The setup of relationship changes very much quickly, the point is that it is very important to tell your partner that you do not want to be in this relationship anymore. You have to tell them that you are not happy in this relationship. Or you are trying to start a brand new relationship with someone new. Or you feel unhealthy in this relationship. A comfortable talk with your partner will help in this situation to break up.
So, these rules will help you maintain polyamorous relationships. But note a point that the quality of relationship mostly matters as compared to the quantity of it. The most important and common thing in all of these rules was to give some space and time to your partner. If you always disturb your partner and do not give time to him, he will get disappointed in you very quickly and after that, you will regret it. Remember again that do not waste your love life with your selfishness.