10 Yoga Poses to Try on This World Mental Health Day
Despite our hectic schedules, we are able to give our bodies the time and attention they require to stay healthy. However, we are overlooking a critical part of life: mental health. This requires as much, if not more, attention than the time we spend on our bodies. For instance, if you spend an hour caring for your physical health, you should also devote an hour to caring for your mental health. Yoga instils in you the value of your thoughts. If your mind is your friend and works with you, you can accomplish everything you set your mind to. On the other hand, if your mind is working against you, life becomes painful. For the strength and health of our minds, we can use a variety of yogic and spiritual activities.
Yoga Poses That Can Help In Reducing Anxiety
Here are a few yoga poses you can practice on a regular basis to relieve stress and anxiety:
1. Asana Balasana (Baby Pose)
Get down on knees and maintain a straight spine. Slowly bend forward until both thighs are in contact with the chest. Straighten both arms backwards, palms towards the floor, on either side of your legs. Hold this position for 20-25 seconds, then rest for a few seconds before repeating.
It is good for stretching, especially the hip joint and muscles. It also increases blood circulation and toning the muscles around the hip, ankles, and thigh. With reduce anxiety, it also maintains tranquility and a stress-free mind.
2. Karani, Viparita (Legs Up the Wall Pose)
Sit around 3 inches from an empty wall at first. Lie down on your back and swing your legs upwards till the back of your thigh touches the wall. Relax your arms on either side of the body or your tummy while resting your full back, i.e., the spinal column, on the floor below. Hold the position for 10 minutes or as long as you can, then slowly return your leg to its starting position.
It is a helpful yoga Sana that allows lymphatic drainage, improves blood circulation, lowers ankle edema, and relieves arthritis, sciatica, lupus and reduce anxiety.
3. Uttanasana (forward Bent Pose)
Bring your feet hip-distance apart when standing. Now bend your body slowly over torso downwards without bending your legs. Allow your wrists and arms to hang down and rest on the ground, or simply hold your feet to your ankles.
It helps in increasing immunity, reducing stress, and relaxing the mind. It transports prana and blood flow to the sinuses, relieving congestion and aiding in the removal of catarrh particles from the body.
4. Sethubandhasana (Bridge Pose)
To begin the position, lie down on your back. Right now, bend your elbows and knees. Put your hands on either side of your head and your feet flat on the ground at your hips. Lift your body slowly into the air, maintaining your hands and legs on the ground.
It is good for arthritic pain relief and strengthening the leg, thigh, and back muscles. It is beneficial not only in the treatment of hip, reducing anxiety and back pain, but also in the treatment of osteoporosis.
5. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Relax your mind and body while closing your eyes and lying down on back. Think cheerful, peaceful thoughts while doing so. While you’re doing this, take your time. Breath slowly. Stand up once some time has passed.
This yoga Sana not only cools the body, relaxes the mind, and brings the yoga session to a close, but it also aids in the prevention of gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, and respiratory problems.
6. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
Sit with your legs crossed on the floor or a yoga mat. Make your spine straight and firm by aligning your torso with your hips. Increase the length of your tailbone. Back and forth with your shoulders. Rest your arms on your knees. Focus on your heart and take deep breaths.
This easy position can help you regain the confidence you need to deal with anxiety, despair, and chronic stress This posture’s symmetry also helps to Centre you.
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana(Dog Pose Facing downward)
Come to all fours with a flat back on your hands and knees. By pressing your toes against the ground, you can raise your hips. Expand your arms fully. To get up, push on the ground with your hands all the way to your hips. Make an inverted V-shape with your body. It’s fine to bend your knees if you have tightness in your legs. Take deep breaths.
It boosts blood flow to your brain while also stretching your spine and strengthening your arms, shoulders, and legs. It will aid you in dealing with issues that bring us tension or anxiety.
8. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose Facing Downwards)
Lie flat on your stomach. Keep your toes pointing down and the balls of your feet looking upward. Place your palms down on the mat near your shoulder blades, palms facing down. Elevate your upper body by pressing into your palms and gently twisting your spine. Stretch your whole body. Before gradually leaving the pose, take a few deep breaths.
This pose helps you release any pent-up feelings in your chest by opening your heart. It also helps to regulate the respiratory system, giving your heart and mind more clarity.
9. Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand)
Lie down with your arms spread beside your body. Raise your legs to your chest, bending your knees. Raise your legs over your head by pressing your hands into the floor. As you move your hips closer to your head and straighten your legs, place your hands on your back to support yourself. Continue; your body should feel long and straight. Take few breaths while releasing pose.
Another great yoga practice for anxiety and depression relief is shoulder stand. It enhances blood flow to the brain, improving mental clarity and regulating emotions.
10. Dhanurasana ( Bow Pose)
Lie face down on the floor with your arms at your sides. Bring your heels as near to your glutes as possible while keeping your knees hip-width apart. Hands should be able to grasp ankles. Inhale as you lift your thighs, heels, head, and sternum off the floor at the same time. Keep your shoulder blades against your back and pull your shoulders away from your ears. Always remember to take a deep breath.
This pose improves hip flexors, stimulates digestion, strengthens your upper back, Improves Poster, and Strengthens spine and hamstrings.